+ Lifters


Barehand Technology

1500+ reviews

Amy p
Amy p
CrossFit Gym Athlete
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I generally hate training with anything that comes between me and the bar... I really liked Barehand!!! I definitely recommend them and am going to continue training in them.
Michael S.
Michael S.
CEO of PR Jump Ropes
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Barehand are a perfect blend of minimal & functional. You don’t know they’re there till it’s time for them to work. And work they do
Crossfit Athlete
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I can honestly say I notice a difference in my grip..., no rip! I've used them in every WOD since I got them. Pull-ups, deadlifts, clean & jerk, snatch, kettlebell swings... thrusters.
Ashlie A.
Ashlie A.
OCR Athlete
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Amazing performance handled for the bars, ropes & wall climbs #feelthebars
Osa S.
Osa S.
CEO of Fitnessbyosa.com
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I was against wearing gloves because they make your hands weaker. But Barehand is so thin that I can feel the bar and still have the natural hand grip without the friction.
Yussef S.
Yussef S.
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I swear to god, you gonna love Barehand gloves .. It feels like real bare hands
Randy Dizon
Randy Dizon
Calisthenic Athlete
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Friction reduction design is awesome and Barehand makes the muscle-up easierLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


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“You have full 45 days to test the best gloves on the planet, if you are not satisfied return them for 100% money back, no questions asked.”


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Perfect Wrist Alignment

On pushing movements, the palm can be rolled up into a custom fit grip which helps you lock in the weights to center over your wrists.

Reduced torque

With weights balanced in the right position, your wrists remain straight during pushing movements (e.g. bench press), reducing torque and injuries.

Custom Build Materials

You won’t find cheap leathers or outdated fabrics. Our SKINTEXTURE™ material is super thin and light weight, making it the thinnest gloves on the market. Weighing only 7 grams, they are 1.35mm thick. That’s as thin as the U.S. dime coin. Our state of the art materials preserves both your flexibility and your natural sense of touch

Harder contraction

More skin-to-bar contact means your brain has maximum sensory connection with the bars. This allows you to contract each muscle in your forearms with maximum intensity.

Friction Reduction

Whether you are kipping pull-ups or dead-lifting twice your body weight, movement between the bar and your skin creates friction and raises the temperature in your hands. This leads to weaker grip contraction and unnecessary muscle fatigue. Our Patented dual layer SKINTEXTURE™ design absorbs the friction between your hands and the bar.

Lift more

The reduction in friction allows your hand to recover faster so you can get extra reps in every set.